- President: Christine Argento, MD
- Vice President: Hitesh Batra, MD, MBA
- Secretary/Treasurer: Nikhil Meena, MD
The Association will establish and maintain specific guidelines for standardized curriculum development and accreditation of training programs in Interventional Pulmonology. We seek to work with all related specialties to standardize fellowship training and develop integrated tools to assess competence and maintenance of competence in the field of Interventional Pulmonology.
Responsible for defining the breadth of curriculum topics to be included in IP fellowship training programs, template of format for curriculum modules, online reading resources , standardize education materials, collaborate with Education committee, standardize knowledge testing of the devised curriculum
Develop individual teaching modules for procedures in a disease based format utilizing the curriculum committees breadth of topics, create separate subgroup for specific research education, cognitive testing, hands- on, collaborate with Curriculum committee, create online access to all educational material approved by the Board of AIPPD
Create specific requirements that deem an IP program accreditation, create time line for meeting requirements, provide a mechanism / process to vet each program based on the established criteria for IP fellowship program, Â Â process for maintenance of accreditation after initial accreditation, collaborate with both Education and Curriculum committees in providing programs with educational resources for meeting these goals